Global Leader

Sophie Krantz

Sophie Krantz is a global strategist and works with successful business leaders and entrepreneurs to develop and execute business strategies that succeed in times of global complexity and disruption. As a coach, advisor and author, Sophie leverages her global experience and network built over twenty years, and manages international business expansion projects in over 20 countries with projects valued up to US$1 billion. Sophie has held senior positions with Global Fortune 500 firms and ASX200 firms, and has worked with a number of Government and multinational organisations, including the International Trade Centre (the joint agency of the UN and WTO) and Swiss Re in Switzerland, and BlueScope in Australia. Today, Sophie is a sought-after practitioner in the Exponential Organisation framework, working with Global Fortune 2000 companies to update and scale their business models by leveraging the success of the world’s fastest growing companies. In this capacity, Sophie advises executive teams, facilitates corporate innovation sprints, and coaches teams building corporate ventures. Leading the discussion on innovation and transformation in Australia, Sophie is the host of ‘Transformers Unite’; the online forum of the Australian Transformation and Turnaround Association. More at

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